... I don't know the rest of the words. For some reason I want to say "Tetleys Tea Bags, just a little bit o' " and then repeat.
Sooo, I had an idea today about what I want to do for the final major project. No one got back to me about my begging to make the best game in the world [except Todd, who said he had already made it], so I started thinking about what I would rather do if I had to work on something by myself.
I fancy working on something that kind of doesn't make sense.
Something inspired by the transforming furniture and cool and crazy architecture I've been looking at a lot lately. I'm thinking, something that I would find as fun as I found wandering around Croft Manor; pressing buttons, making things move, exploring and making my way around.
Something that looks a little bit Julian Beever, sounds a little bit [Alice in] Wonderland, feels a little bit Indiana Jones and seems a little bit like a giant hamster cage in a mad scientists laboratory that's been "improved" with secret rooms of it's own.
Looks like I've just turned all the looking-at-cool-stuff-on-the-Internet that I did while on autopilot over the Summer into "important research for pre-pro". Nice one.
But before I get too excited over the possibilities, better learn to walk first. Time to find out how to actually implement hinge joints in Unity.
I just read this, and while I did make the best game ever, if you need a hand with yours I can offer assistance - or at the least, can tell you what's good and what's not :)