Everyone met up for a session on Tuesday, and we went around the group telling each other our ideas for the final project. When I told the guys what I wanted to work on, they told me some stuff that might be helpful for me to look at [including Echo Chrome, Labyrinth, Inception, 13 Ghosts and Arkham Asylum], which was great. After the meeting, Tim messaged me saying he liked the sound of my game idea and the art style and asked if he could come on board. Awesomeness.
We met up before the Dissertation session to have a chat about the idea and presentation stuff. I think we're calling it FP3 [cubed], at least for now, as it's a 3D first person perception puzzler. We came up with a few ideas for M. C. Escher-inspired puzzles, and realised the most challenging part of this project will probably be coming up with some good challenges for the player in the first place, but it should be fun.
I've just been looking through some of my 6th Form work as some of things I'm thinking about are quite heavily based on the art I researched, back in Year 13 of school. The things and people I wrote about in my art dissertation included graffiti, Feek, oblique [perspective] and catoptric [mirror] anamorphosis, Matthew Carver, Trompe L'Oeil, Julian Beever, Community Bridge, Felice Varini, Cool World, Daniel Rozin and Michelangelo Pistoletto. I'd love to utilise in the game some of the techniques those artists use :D
I'm going to have a play in Unity3D later to see if I can get some of the initial ideas to actually work, and get a bit of self organisation going on. Module Handbook says we've got until end of January 2011 to work on documentation and test pieces, with the intention of creating one of three things afterwards:
- a completed game and/or interactive project utilising an existing game engine and/or games development software;
- an extended design portfolio suitably presented demonstrating an awareness of professional context;
- an extended set of dioramas and/or moving image sequences including full character and situation detailing.
Pretty sure we're going to go for the first option.
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