Saturday, 13 February 2010

Haven't written a post in over a fortnight!?!?!

How naughty of me. The Interaction thing came and went, but apparently there wasn't enough drive or momentum in most of the groups because only three people including myself turned up to the showing... we ended up watching inspiring videos on Youtube on the big screen :D

Sebastian's Voodoo. I saw this ages ago and can't believe I forgot about it. It's so beautiful. Totally still makes me cry, haha

Watched this later in the evening with friends, but still posting it up because it's another one I'd forgotten about and couldn't believe I had. I love it.

My group didn't finish our film/animation, I think mostly due to technical difficulties [with not being allowed to use uni equipment, e.g. cameras, for it for some reason]. Shame. But never mind, Hains has said he still wants to finish it eventually because it would be a good showpiece for him. It probably wouldn't do that much for me except possibly teach me how to put film and animation together maybe, but if it'll help out Hains then I'm happy to help finish it.

As for actual course work, we've got a new project underway, 8 of us CGD designers working with 3 of the Games & Artificial Intelligence dudes. We seem to have a good group going people-wise, but we've got the brief that was rejected by one of the groups last year. Not sure exactly why they rejected it because we like the idea and are pretty happy to work on it. Here's the brief we're working from on the website Pete set up for the group. I may have to set up a blog especially for Wings of Fate pre-pro and production work.

1 comment:

  1. I've seen some of your groups artwork - it looks awesome!
